Your Users Need More E-Resources.

ProQuest Can Help.

As a trusted and experienced library partner, ProQuest can help with converting print to electronic, accessing more e-resources, enhancing teaching and learning experiences and sharing resources

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Title Matching Fast for converting my existing print resources to 'e'

Title Matching Fast for converting my existing print resources to 'e'

电子版本的历史期刊和newspapers, government documents, music scores and more

E-versions of historical periodicals and newspapers, government documents, music scores and more

Streaming video to support disciplines like performing arts, health care and behavioral sciences, STEM and more

Streaming video to support disciplines like performing arts, health care and behavioral sciences, STEM and more

Maximize e-resource sharing and interlibrary loan delivery, quickly and efficiently

Maximize e-resource sharing and interlibrary loan delivery, quickly and efficiently

Ways to reclaim space, make my library safer, and guard against natural disasters

Ways to reclaim space, make my library safer, and guard against natural disasters
